Portal:Animal Talk/The Rising Lioness

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The Rising Lioness

Join the pride: inspiring conversations on The Rising Lioness with Erica Salvemini
The Rising Lioness Podcast
The Rising Lioness Podcast

About The Rising Lioness

The Rising Lioness: a thought provoking and soul inspiring series where host Erica Salvemini and animal advocacy guests discuss topics aimed at understanding the significance of the relationship between empathy, animal rights, our peaceful co-existence with the Animal Kingdom and humanity’s role in sustaining our existence.

Interview: Endangered Roar - The Fight to Save Sumatran Tigers

Endangered Roar - The Fight to Save Sumatran Tigers
Endangered Roar - The Fight to Save Sumatran Tigers

Dive into the urgent mission to rescue Sumatran tigers from the brink of extinction. With less than 400 remaining in the wild, these Critically Endangered creatures face dire threats such as habitat destruction, human-tiger conflicts, and ruthless poaching. Join us as we uncover the challenges and efforts to protect this iconic species in the Indonesian tiger's last stand.

Explore the world of wildlife conservation with Leif Cocks, founder of Wildlife Conservation International and International Tiger Project. Hear firsthand about his journey from Zookeeper to advocate for tigers and their habitats.

Full Interview:Leif Cocks

Interview: Exposé - Dark Secrets from inside the Dolphin Entertainment Industry

The Perfect Pair Dolphin Trilogy
The Perfect Pair Dolphin Trilogy

In an exclusive two-part episode of "The Rising Lioness" podcast, renowned ex-dolphin trainer David Holroyd shares his shocking journey from fame and fortune to becoming a whistleblower in the UK's dolphin entertainment industry. David and Tracey, co-authors of "The Perfect Pair Dolphin Trilogy," reveal the grim reality behind the scenes of a profit-driven industry, shedding light on the exploitation of dolphins and cetaceans.

Holroyd, once Europe's top dolphin trainer, exposes the cruelty and mistreatment of these creatures as mere commodities. "The Perfect Pair Dolphin Trilogy" offers a unique perspective by narrating the story through the eyes of these remarkable animals, aiming to raise awareness and advocate against animal exploitation and cruelty.

Full Interview:David and Tracey Holroyd

Interview: Born Free USA on Recreational Animal Slaughter in the U.S. with Devan Schowe

Devan Schowe, Campaigns Associate for Born Free USA, sheds light on their new report, Thrill Kill: Recreational Animal Slaughter in the U.S., released in May 2023. Born Free USA’s investigative research explores the dark world of animal slaughter in the name of entertainment, where across the U.S., animals are slaughtered for fun in killing contests, canned hunts, fringe youth group activities and other events.

Devin also discusses her journey into animal advocacy, her work in researching and writing reports on wildlife trade, fur trade, and social media's impact on animals.

Full Interview:Devan Schowe

Interview: The Black Mambas with Craig Spencer and Leitah Mkhabela

Erica Salvemeni chats with Craig Spencer and Leitah Mkhabela, part of the Black Mambas Anti-Poaching Unit in South Africa. Craig Spencer is the executive director of Trans-Frontier Africa and founder of the Black Mambas, while Leitah Mkhabela is a supervisor and ambassador for the all-female anti-poaching unit. The Black Mambas initiative, started in 2013, employs 36 women from local tribal communities to protect wildlife, particularly rhinos, from poaching. Craig Spencer's motivation to create the Black Mambas came after losing rhinos to poaching, realizing the need for a different approach to conservation

Full Interview:The Black Mambas