Headlines:Animal Justice Exposes Cruelty of Dog Hunting Pens in Ontario

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Animal Justice Exposes Cruelty of Dog Hunting Pens in Ontario

Animal Justice Exposes Cruelty of Dog Hunting Pens in Ontario

ONTARIO, August 23, 2023 — Animal Justice, a Canadian animal rights organization, has released a new undercover video that reveals the horrific reality of dog hunting pens in Ontario. These are fenced areas where coyotes and other animals are trapped and used as live bait for hunting dogs.

The video shows frightened coyotes running for their lives from dogs, who often catch and kill them. The dog hunters also hold contests where they judge the dogs’ performance and offer cash prizes. Animal Justice says that this practice is illegal in every other province and most US states, and that it causes immense suffering and death for the animals.

The provincial government recently passed a new law that allows new dog hunting pens to open and existing ones to be sold. This reverses a long-standing plan to phase out these pens, which had been in place since 1997. Animal Justice and other animal protection groups have written to the Natural Resources Minister, urging him to cancel the new law.

Animal Justice says that dog hunting pens are not only cruel, but also unregulated and impossible to enforce. The group has obtained evidence from social media showing hunters encouraging dogs to maul coyotes, and dogs who sustained injuries during the hunts.

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