Amaya - orca
Sex: Female
Pod: N/A
Place of capture: Born at SeaWorld of California
Date of capture: Born December 2, 2014
Age at capture: Captive born
Location of death: SeaWorld of California
On December 2, 2014, captive born female Kalia gave birth to her first calf; a female later named Amaya and possibly sired by the Icelandic male Ulises - through DNA testing is still required in order to confirm if Ulises is the father.
Due to Kalia having only been 9 years old when her pregnancy was announced, some controversy and intense criticism ensued and some began questioning what kind of a mother she would be at this age, as well as why SeaWorld had been artificially inseminating such a young whale.
Amaya died unexpectedly on August 19th, 2021, from an unspecified gastrointestinal disease.