Skálabotnur dolphin drive slaughter 2021

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The Skálabotnur dolphin drive slaughter of 2021 is a tragic incident that occurred in the Faroe Islands, a small group of islands in the North Atlantic Ocean. On September 12, 2021, a super-pod of around 1,428 white-sided dolphins were driven into a shallow bay in Skálabotnur, one of the islands in the Faroe archipelago. The dolphins were then killed by local fishermen using hunting techniques known as the grindadráp or "grind."

The grindadráp is a method of hunting that involves driving pods of pilot whales and other cetaceans such as dolphins and porpoises into shallow waters using boats, jet skis and noise. Once the animals are trapped, the hunters use knives to kill them.

The hunt usually takes place in the summer months when the whales and dolphins migrate past the Faroe Islands but there is no hunting season. Hunts can take place at anytime whale or dolphin pods are spotted close to the coastline.

See also

The grindadráp

External links

1428 Dolphins Slaughtered in the Faroe Islands Sunday Night Sea Shepard Global