Corky - orca

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Sex: Female

Location of Capture: Pender Harbor

Date of Capture: 26th April 1968

Age at Capture: Approx. 3 years

Date of Death: 5th December 1970

Age at Death: Approx. 5 years

Location of Death: Marineland of the Pacific

Cause of Death: Mediastinal abscess

In April 1968, a number of orcas were captured in Pender Harbor. Among them were Corky and a male orca called Orky II. Shortly after their capture, Marineland of the Pacific acquired them and promptly relocated them. It is presumed that both Corky and Orky II were introduced to Orky, the resident whale at the park, shortly after their arrival.

Following Orky's passing, Corky and Orky II became the primary attractions at the park. By the end of 1969, Marineland obtained three additional orcas. Although the whales generally got along well, they were occasionally separated due to the limited space in their tank.

In December 1970, Corky succumbed to a mediastinal abscess and passed away.

See also

External links