Noor Jehan (elephant)

Noor Jehan was a 17-year-old female African elephant who lived at the Karachi Zoo in Pakistan.

Noor Jehan
SpeciesAfrican Elephant
DiedApril 22, 2023
Age at death17

In August 2022, the Four Paws team achieved a successful removal of Noor Jehan's decayed tusks at the Karachi Zoo.

Noor Jehan, who had been suffering physically, was under the care of a team of foreign medical professionals from the international animal welfare organization Four Paws. The professionals diagnosed her with an internal hematoma and a damaged pelvic floor as the main causes of her pain and distress, resulting in partial paralysis.

Following the procedure, Noor Jehan was lifted from the pond by a crane. Due to pain in her hind legs, she faced difficulty in standing up. The foreign medical professionals continued to oversee her treatment, while a group of regional veterinarians was also assembled to support the zoo's management. Noor Jehan received prescribed medication, vitamins, painkillers, and hydrotherapy as advised by Four Paws to address her condition. The authorities committed to relocating both Noor Jehan and her companion elephant, Madhubala, to a suitable environment that meets international standards as soon as Noor Jehan is deemed healthy enough for the move.

Upon learning about Noor Jehan's deteriorating health, many individuals expressed their concern and sadness regarding the animal's situation. Notably, celebrities such as singer Natasha Baig and actresses Ayesha Omar, Zhalay Sarhadi, and Simi Rahael joined the conversation and actively promoted animal rights.


Tragically, on April 22, 2023, Noor Jehan passed away despite the diligent efforts of local veterinarians and Four Paws International. The 17-year-old African elephant's condition worsened while undergoing treatment for a tumor and hemorrhage. In response to this unfortunate event, animal protection organizations have called for improved care for wild animals held in captivity in Pakistan and the repatriation of Madhubala, Noor Jehan's companion.

Post death it was determined that Noor Jehan had broken hind legs.

See also

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