Library:Webinar: Oceans Away From Home: The Suffering of Fish in Captivity (video)

Webinar: Oceans Away From Home: The Suffering of Fish in Captivity (video)


The video talks about the fascinating world of fish and the ways in which they are exploited for our entertainment. It covers the topics of fish welfare, conservation, cognition, and sentience, as well as the problems of the aquarium trade, touch tanks, and legislation. The video also talks about the evidence of fish sentience, social complexity, and cognitive abilities. It covers the topics of pain perception, communication, cooperation, learning, memory, and problem-solving in various fish species.


  • [00:00:07] Introduction by Liz Tyson from Born Free USA
    • Introduces the panelists and the report Oceans Away from Home
    • Highlights the importance of fish as species and individuals
  • [00:05:08] Presentation by Devon Shy from Born Free USA
    • Discusses the key findings of the report, such as the research bias, the wild capture, the zoo education, and the legislation failure
    • Provides examples of fish behavior, diversity, and home range in the wild
    • Recommends actions to protect fish from captivity and exploitation
  • [00:17:45] Presentation by Jack Warton from Forth Rivers Trust
    • Celebrates the diversity and complexity of fish, especially diadromous species
    • Shares his personal experience and passion for fish conservation
    • Shows some examples of overlooked and threatened fish species in freshwater
    • Provides some statistics on the freshwater fish diversity and threat
  • [00:29:37] The threats to freshwater fish
    • River barriers, habitat loss, pollution, fishing pressures, invasive species
    • Possible solutions: barrier removal, fish passes, habitat restoration, rewilding
  • [00:31:28] The evidence of fish sentience
    • Similar body plan, nervous system, and brain structures to mammals
    • Presence of polymodal nociceptors and painkillers receptors
    • Behavioral changes, avoidance learning, and impaired awareness in response to negative stimuli
  • [00:37:29] The social complexity and cognitive abilities of fish
    • Formation of complex relationships, preferences, and associations
    • Intra- and inter-specific cooperation, altruism, and deception
    • Communication through vocalizations, gestures, and regional accents
    • Social learning, individual recognition, and self-awareness
    • Maternal and paternal care, play behavior, and fairness
    • Long-term memory, facial recognition, and human recognition
    • Tool use, planning, and problem-solving

See also