Library:Strategic Planning Framework for the Conservation and Management of Elephants in the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (report)

Strategic Planning Framework for the Conservation and Management of Elephants in the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (report)

The KAZA Elephant Strategic Planning Framework is a document that outlines the vision, objectives and activities for the conservation and management of elephants in the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA). The KAZA TFCA is a large landscape that spans five countries in southern Africa: Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. It is home to approximately half of Africa’s remaining savannah elephants, as well as other wildlife and biodiversity.

The framework was developed through a participatory workshop involving representatives from the five partner countries, as well as regional and international experts and stakeholders. It was adopted by the KAZA Ministers’ Committee on 11th April 2019 and endorsed by the Kasane Elephant Summit on 7th May 2019. The framework aims to harmonise the policies, legislation and practices of the partner countries in relation to elephant conservation and management, as well as to address the challenges and opportunities facing the KAZA elephant population.

The framework sets the following vision: "KAZA’s elephants, the largest viable and contiguous population in Africa, are conserved to the benefit of people and nature within a diverse and productive landscape. To achieve this vision, the framework identifies four strategic objectives:

  • Facilitate the development of an integrated land use planning process to secure long-term ecosystem integrity and connectivity of KAZA’s elephant population
  • Maintain and manage KAZA’s elephants as one contiguous population
  • Promote and support co-existence of humans and elephants for ecological, social and economic benefits
  • Reduce the illegal killing and trade in elephants and elephant products

The framework also proposes a number of short-term and medium-term activities under each objective, as well as a high-level decision-making process to guide the implementation of the framework. The framework is intended to be a living document that will be reviewed and updated periodically to reflect new information, changing circumstances and emerging issues.

The framework is part of the broader vision and mission of the KAZA TFCA, which is to sustainably manage the Kavango Zambezi ecosystem, its heritage and cultural resources based on best conservation and tourism models for the socio-economic wellbeing of the communities and other stakeholders in and around the eco-region through harmonization of policies, strategies and practices.

See also

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