Library:How whales sing without drowning, an anatomical mystery solved (podcast)

How whales sing without drowning, an anatomical mystery solved (podcast)

How whales sing without drowning, an anatomical mystery solved discusses the mystery behind how baleen whales produce their haunting songs, exploring the evolution of vocalization mechanisms in these massive marine mammals. Unlike toothed whales, baleen whales evolved unique structures in their nose to create sounds independently of their larynx. Scientists from the University of Southern Denmark have studied these mechanisms by examining the anatomy of deceased whales. They found that baleen whales utilize a cushion and U-shaped arytenoid bones inside their larynx to produce low-frequency sounds. This discovery sheds light on the limitations baleen whales face due to human-made noise pollution in the ocean, emphasizing the need for regulations to protect these creatures. The research underscores the importance of understanding whale physiology to mitigate human impact on marine ecosystems.

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