Benkei - orca

Sex: Male

Place of capture: Taiji, Japan

Date of capture: February 26, 1979

Age at capture: Approx. 7 years

On February 26, 1979, a group of 5 orcas were captured in Taiji, Japan. Three orcas - Benkei, Chi, and Tai - were transferred immediately after their capture to the Taiji Whaling Museum.

Benkei soon caught the attention of Nanki Shirahama Adventure World, and was purchased as a mate for their lone female Kianu. He was transferred to Nanki along with 2 other females, however the females died within a number of months, leaving Benkei and Kianu alone at the park.

The two went on to perform for one season together before Kianu’s death in 1980. Shortly after her death, Nanki bought a new Icelandic orca in 1981, a young male later known as Benkei II.

It’s unknown whether the two performed together. Unfortunately, Benkei II died in 1983, leaving Benkei alone once again.

About 2 years later, in 1985, Nanki purchased two more orcas; an Icelandic female named Ruka, and a Japanese male named Goro. It is unknown if all three performed together.

In February 1989, Benkei died due to acute pneumonia.

See also