Welcome to WikiAnimal, the online encyclopedia for all things animal-related! WikiAnimal's mission is to provide a comprehensive and accessible resource for anyone with an interest in the animal kingdom.

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WikiAnimal - by humans, for animals.

WikiAnimal believes that education and awareness are key to promoting understanding and respect for animals. We hope that it will serve as a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about the fascinating world of animals. We also aim to promote advocacy on behalf of animals.

Whether you're a lifelong animal lover or just starting to explore the world of animals, WikiAnimal has something for everyone. We invite you to join us in our mission to promote knowledge, understanding, and compassion for all creatures great and small.

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WikiAnimal was founded Apr 13, 2023.

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Featured page: Bunka is an Asian elephant living at the Yerevan Zoo in Armenia. He was born to parents Malka and Bacho at the Tbilisi Zoo in Georgia on the 30 December 2007. See more....

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World Day for Animals in Labs

International Pallas Cat Day

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Animal days in April

17th April Bat Appreciation Day: Bats are often misunderstood and feared, but they are actually incredibly beneficial to the environment. They are the only mammal capable of sustained flight, and they are essential pollinators. See more

World Aquatic Animals Day - 3rd

World Rat Day - 4th

World Stray Animals Day - 4th

International Beaver Day - 7th

National Dolphin Day - USA - 14th

Save the Elephant Day - 16th

Bat Appreciation Day - 17th

International Pallas Cat Day - 23rd

World Day for Animals in Labs - 24th

International Hyena Day - 27th

World Tapir Day - 27th

Save the Frogs Day - 28th