Bird Track

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BirdTrack is a collaborative project between the BTO, RSPB, Birdwatch Ireland, Scottish Ornithologists' Club, and Welsh Ornithological Society. It aims to study bird migration movements and distributions across Britain and Ireland. Participants can store and manage their birdwatching records to support species conservation at various scales. The project welcomes contributions from anyone interested in birds.

Important results produced by BirdTrack include mapping migration timings, monitoring scarce bird species, and understanding the arrival and departure of winter visitors. Birdwatchers can submit their observations through a user-friendly web page or a free app for iPhone and Android devices. Complete lists of birds seen and heard are preferred, but incomplete lists and casual records also contribute valuable information.

The project provides daily summaries, up-to-date maps, and graphs of migration, movements, and distribution, including animated maps showing the arrival and departure of migrants. Scarce species such as Hawfinch, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Woodcock, and Water Rail are of particular interest for studying their distribution throughout the year. BirdTrack originated from Migration Watch and expanded to cover year-round recording, including autumn migration.

The project also aims to track the conservation status of scarce species, collecting information from birdwatchers to supplement data for species that are more challenging to study. The goal is to build an annual distribution picture of these species in Britain and Ireland. Participants can read more about BirdTrack and register to contribute their birdwatching records.

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