Welcome to WikiAnimal, the online encyclopedia for all things animal-related! WikiAnimal's mission is to provide a comprehensive and accessible resource for anyone with an interest in the animal kingdom.
WikiAnimal believes that education and awareness are key to promoting understanding and respect for animals. We hope that it will serve as a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about the fascinating world of animals. We also aim to promote advocacy on behalf of animals.
WikiAnimal invites you to join us in our mission to promote knowledge, understanding, and compassion for all creatures.
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WikiAnimal was founded Apr 13, 2023.
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New pages started - thank you!
- The effects of captivity on elephants - started by Paige
- List of horse fatalities in the Grand National - started by Paige
- Faunalytics - started by Nadia
- The Whale Sanctuary Project - started by Blackdog
Pages that need your input!
Animal awareness days in April
- World Aquatic Animals Day - 3rd
- World Rat Day - 4th
- World Stray Animals Day - 4th
- International Beaver Day - 7th
- National Dolphin Day - USA - 14th
- Save the Elephant Day - 16th
- Bat Appreciation Day - 17th
- International Pallas's Cat Day - 23rd
- World Day for Animals in Labs - 24th
- International Hyena Day - 27th
- World Tapir Day - 27th
- Save the Frogs Day - 28th