Betty - orca
Sex: Female
Pod: N/A
Place of capture: Skardsfjara, Iceland
Date of capture: October 26, 1978
Age at capture: Approx. 3 years
In Skardsfjara, Iceland on October 26, 1978, a group of 6 Orcas were captured. One young female, later known as Betty, was taken to the Hafnarfjordur Aquarium before she was purchased and transferred to Marineland Antibes in France.
When she arrived at the park, she met a young male named Kim, who she got along well with. Both whales performed together daily for 4 years until Kim died in 1982.
In 1983, Marineland purchased two new whales; Freya and Kim II. All three whales seemingly got along well and performed daily shows together.
On September 8, 1987, Betty died due to contracting pneumonia.