Calypso - orca

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Sex: Female

Pod: A25 (?)

Place of Capture: Pender Harbor, British Columbia, Canada

Date of Capture: December 12, 1969

Age at Capture: Approx. 6 years

A pod of 12 orcas were captured on December 12, 1969 in Pender Harbor; 6 were kept while the remaining 6 were released.

One young female, named Calypso, was flown to the Cleethorpes Zoo in Great Britain just 17 days after her capture. She remained at the zoo for a number of months until she was moved to Marineland France. Calypso was reportedly the first female orca to be Artificially Inseminated (AI’d), though it was unsuccessful.

She died in December 1970 of unknown causes.

See also