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In the news

Animal News - The Critter Chronicle

Did you know?

Paradoxical frog
  • The great white shark can have up to 300 teeth at anyone time arranged in 7 rows in its mouth.
  • The lemon shark gives birth to live young. Babies swim away quickly to avoid being eaten.
  • Fish make up almost half of all vertebrates.
  • When a hag fish feels threatened it releases slime from pores making it difficult to catch.
  • The sailfish can swim at speeds up to 110 km/h (68 mph).

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Featured article - Bunka

Bunka is a solitary Asian elephant living in captivity at the Yerevan Zoo in Armenia. He was born in captivity to parents Malka and Bacho at the Tbilisi Zoo in Georgia on the 30 December 2007. Bunka's father Bacho died in August 2008 at Tbilisi Zoo of autointoxication caused by peritonitis and hemorrhagic of the duodenum.

Bunka was originally intended to be transferred to Antwerp Zoo but this did not go ahead, possibly as a result of biosecurity import restrictions at the time. Bukna was transferred to the Yerevan Zoo on the 9 July 2014 to replace Grand who was suffering with dental problems and two broken tusks....

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Featured interview - Jack Gescheidt

Saving the Tule Elk with Jack Gescheidt

Why are the rare tule elk being imprisoned inside a National Park when they could be freed? Did you know that a small group of rare native wild elk are being fenced in and pushed to the brink of extinction so dairy cows can graze unfettered in a national park? Many people are surprised to learn how our public lands, that we pay for, are being abused, exploited and contaminated for private industry. Listen and learn what is happening to these elk trying to survive in California.

Full Interview:Saving the Tule Elk with Jack Gescheidt

Featured blog - International Clouded Leopard Day

Clouded Leopard
Clouded Leopard

August 4th is International Clouded Leopard Day - a day to celebrate and raise awareness about one of the most elusive and threatened wild cats in the world. The clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) is a medium-sized cat that lives in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia and parts of China. It is named for its distinctive coat pattern, which consists of large, irregularly shaped spots that resemble clouds.

Unfortunately, the clouded leopard is also one of the most endangered cats in the world, facing multiple threats from habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflict.

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About WikiAnimal


WikiAnimal is an online knowledge base dedicated to the animal kingdom. Its mission is to offer a comprehensive and accessible resource for animal enthusiasts. Here you can find information about all kinds of animals, from mammals to reptiles, from birds to fish, from insects to amphibians. You can learn about their habitats, behaviors, diets, adaptations, conservation status and more.

You can also contribute to WikiAnimal by editing existing articles or creating new ones. Wikianimal is a collaborative project that relies on people like you to share their knowledge and passion for animals.

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WikiAnimal - founded Apr 10, 2023.

WikiAnimal Projects

  • Project Newshound - Newshound is a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) retrieval platform that aggregates animal related content from various sources using RSS feeds. You can then access Newshound in a centralized location to view and stay updated on news and articles from different websites. Newshound algorithms attempt to ensure that you receive timely updates while trying to avoid overwhelming you with irrelevant information.
  • Project Species - an ambitious initiative dedicated to documenting the vast diversity of life on Earth. Our mission is to create an exhaustive and comprehensive repository of knowledge about every (as many!) species of animal that inhabits our planet.