Chappy - orca
Sex: Male
Pod: Southern Residents
Place of capture: Penn Cove, Washington State
Date of capture: August 8, 1970
Age at capture: Approx. 2 years
Date of death: April 1974
Reported cause of death: Periostitis
On August 8, 1970, over 80 Orcas were netted in Penn Cove in one of the most infamous wild captures in history. Very few whales were kept, including a young male later known as Chappy.
Two of the whales were soon purchased by Kamogawa Sea World in Japan, who aspired to be the first park in Japan to put Orcas on public display. The two whales they bought were Chappy and Jumbo, who were moved a month after their capture.
They seemed to adapt well to their environment, and soon were trained to perform in daily shows with dolphins.
In April 1974, Chappy died due to Periostitis, an inflammation of the lumbar bone.