Clovis - orca
Sex: Male
Pod: Southern Residents
Place of Capture: Penn Cove, Washington State
Date of Capture: August 8, 1970
Age at Capture: Approx. 2 years
Over 80 Orcas were netted in Penn Cove on August 8, 1970 in one of the most infamous wild captures in history, though very few were kept.
Only one young male, known as Clovis, was sent to Marineland Antibes in France. Here, Clovis met Calypso, the only other Orca who came from the Northern Resident population. Unfortunately, Calypso died soon after his arrival, leaving Clovis alone at the park. He soon became the star performer and was trained to do waterworks with his trainers.
In February 1973, Clovis died due to Myositis, something that causes inflammation or swelling of the muscles.