Interview:Co-existing with Coyotes with Sarah Killingsworth

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Reality Checks with Staci-lee

Co-existing with Coyotes with Sarah Killingsworth
Co-existing with Coyotes with Sarah Killingsworth

For as long as humans have been around the coyote has been one of those species vilified and killed for almost no reason. Yes once in a rare blue moon one may kill livestock but the overwhelming majority of livestock, and domestic pets, are not killed by coyotes. Despite the scientific facts that coyotes are a boon to a healthy ecosystem the hype and false narrative making them out to be monsters persists.

Coyotes help keep down the rodent population naturally which would eliminate the use of deadly poisons. Learn about the benefits of co-existing with this amazing species and what effective sustainable alternatives can be used to protect livestock, domestic pets and property. We should be embracing this species not killing in blood sport contests.

Project Coyote is a non profit helping to educate the public about the benefits of coyotes and why killing them does nothing to decrease the population when mother nature is capable of doing that.


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