Haida - orca

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Sex: Male

Pod: Southern Residents

Place of Capture: Bainbridge Island, Washington State

Date of Capture: October 15, 1968

Age at Capture: Approx. 4 years

On October 15, 1968, more than 25 orcas were netted off Bainbridge Island, including J-1 Ruffles. Only 5 males were kept, while the rest were released.

One orca, Haida, was first moved and put on display at a traveling boat show until being purchased by Sealand of the Pacific. The park purchased him in an attempt to start a breeding program, with Haida having been their first breeding male.

Two young females, Chimo and Knootka, were among the first tank mates he had. However, these two died before reaching sexual maturity. After the death of Chimo, two older females were purchased in 1973 and 1974, but they did not survive long.

Finally, a young female named Miracle that was rescued was to be put with Haida. However, Miracle died before she could reach sexual maturity. Haida was left alone with no offspring, despite any mating activity that went on between him and his tank mates.

On October 3, 1982, Haida died due to a bacterial lung infection.