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=== Part 2 ===
=== Part 2 ===
and in the end that dolphin died um a terrible death and this is typical of the aqua circus remember this this is when you've outlived your usefulness you are gone welcome to the rising lioness podcast on all about animals radio a place dedicated to animals and all those who act to protect and advocate for them hi I'm your host Erica salvamini and I'm thrilled and honored to be here representing all about animals radio using my voice for the animals thank you for joining us for what intends to be athought-provoking and soul-inspiring Series where we discuss topics aimed at understanding the importance of the relationship between empathy animal rights and our peaceful coexistence with the animal kingdom and now on to our show hello and welcome back today we have David and Tracy holroyd brother and sister authors who together have written the perfect pair of dolphin Trilogy a story to expose the dark dolphinarium industry this is our part two discussion which takes a closer look at the inspiration behind the perfectpair dolphin trilogy books we'll also learn what transpires after David leaves this industry and where this Dark dolphinarium World exists today David hello welcome back to you both David and Tracy um David could you tell us a bit about the inspiration for your book series and who who were the real um perfect pair of dolphins and we talked a little bit about it in part one but if you could talk to who these these two amazing creatures were that would be wonderful okay well um the female dolphin was duchess and she was the first dolphin that gaveme the connection um the second dolphins dolphin was Herbie akka flipper and um and the connection came later with him um the when I met Duchess I met her in the back of her Steel van uh she was there uh wrapped up in in a sling covered in Vaseline and she'd been out of the water for probably 48 hours in transport and all the rest of it in that sling and while they were taking Herbie into the pool I stayed in the back and I'd never seen the dolphin before as I told you earlier I've never actually seen a real one so Ilent over and she was lay there and she looked so so vulnerable and I had a ring a Signet ring on and I shine the ring and her eye and I remember she had this beautiful blue eye and it wasn't an eye of a fish it was the eye of a human and it was intelligent and it looked at the ring and this is when the connection started she looked at the ring and I started to talk to her and I suddenly went very light-headed and I felt sick and and I thought to myself this animal's giving me serious Vibes because that's what she was then to meshe was just another animal this was well before I realized just how important a species the dolphin is she was an Atlantean she was a an atlantium princess and I was very lucky that she chose me because no no I did choose her but it was a dolphin chooses its Handler um it's not odds who would choose that it's the dolphin that chooses you and and she chose me and the connection worked from the day I put her in the pool later that came to Herbie and later that came to other Dolphins as well um because I also hadum two other dolphins called baby and scouse I told you Scouts had no eyes and baby was the illegal illegally transported infant um but I was so attuned to these dolphins that I literally knew what I knew when they were sick um I knew when they wanted to talk to me when they wanted to swim um when they wanted a play time it was it was just amazing and Scouts remember I'm talking now not on the perfect pair but my other pair he had no eyes and yet I made him do Kay's top dolphin um now I made him that way because I understoodhim because he couldn't see me his connection was sharper than any other and and and it was it was the one sad and and it was desperately sad thing is is that when I walked scouse had no one and and of course no one to understand him um and he was considered how can I put it he was considered just a waste a money eating fish machine that nobody could work because nobody had the the the empathy to work him nobody had the love to engage him so he was a lonely little dolphin and in the end that dolphin died um a terrible death and this is typicalof the aqua circus remember this this is when you've outlived your usefulness you are gone by any means possible and that dolphin died and I talking about the connection I left the dolphin industry then and I'd refused the killer whale job as we spoke about earlier and I was working back again as a signwriter and illustrator and then I got the connection my mind was still active it was trolling the dolphin radio as I called it waiting for a contact and I got the contact from scouse and he was he was crying for me to comeback now I left scouts at real dolphinarium but I knew where that contact was coming from it was coming from North safari park at least two hours away from where I'd last seen him I went to nosley Safari Park I was gonna go that day but I couldn't because my dad had a big job booked and we had to do it and I said look I don't care what we've got booked tomorrow I'm going and he was saying well they won't let you in because of all the trouble with you and the manager and you're gone nowI said it doesn't matter I've got to go I went up to nosley Safari Park and I walked in and there was a tarpaulin sheet on the walkway and Scouts was under it he was dead oh no um he died that night when he'd been calling me and they found a razor blade in his gullet no so the only way that could have been administered was through a fish you call it loading fish when you when you give Dolphins vitamins you shove them down the gills to load down the gills somebody had loaded that in and and you can imagine that killed himand then yeah because he was useless deliberately it was a deliberate murder of the luncheon something as I said which is not uncommon no not uncommon um it happened uh to another dolphin that I had been with and not only that all the handlers knew it had happened so this is this was a regular occurrence and it was all done with the blessing of the vets because the Vets are in the pockets of the venue that pays them it's all about money it's the same it's money in the zoos and uh they do calling with animalsat the zoos when there's too many of them and yeah and it goes on and on and on right it does and as I said it's when you this and this is the true face of the aqua circus um so when you hear the propaganda the marine land and all the rest of them are giving out and happy happy dolphins and and all the rest of it oh you know it it's it's a lie it this has been going on for for decades this this Spin and everybody who buys a ticket to a dolphin show is part of this abuse that's right if you know you can'tunknow it that's right you continue to willingly things like this and yeah money to it you are contributing to the suffering of these great beings and there's just really no other way around it and I was wondering what is the life expectancy of a dolphin in the wild that is not otherwise being harmed in some way do you know what the natural expectancy is yeah well in in the aqua circus uh and in the early Aqua circus when I was there that was the early 1970s um a dolphin could be bought then for three thousand pounds English poundsso there was a lot of money around and when the dolphin died you just got another one you just replaced it this is why you see so many flippers because they mask the mortality rate of the exchange rate of the dolphins that are entering the pool right this is why you see so many the actual the actual uh lifespan was 18 months to three and a half years in those early days the lifespan of a dolphin in the wild could be as much as 70 years that's incredible um they're living longer now because obviously um filtration as as it's like goingsending a rocket to the moon so filtration has improved immensely however they are still not living a full life where uh their lifespan is still caught and I would say probably 25 is cut 25 now you only ever hear the good stories of how long a dolphin has lived you never hear the bad ones no no of course not if they're naming them in the case at all is it no as we know and so I have to ask you both what is your hope and wishes for writing this book series what is well the whole was we didn't want to preach to the converted we didn't evenwant to preach at all we wanted to show people the true nature of a dolphin and and we hope that it would get out people would read it the general public would read it people who would unwittingly go to a show when they go abroad on holiday they would read it and they would know not to go to the not to buy a ticket and we're not even talking just about dolphinaria um you know captive facilities any captive facility um including swim with Dolphin programs or even therapy some people are using Dolphins now'stherapy well it might be therapy for the person but it's certainly not therapy for the dolphin um it's an an unnatural state it can't indulge in natural behavior it's never feels the ocean I mean most of these Dolphins race ships and they put them in a concrete tank um and some of them if the Troublesome are just left to languish alone they don't even get the contact so we had hope to to encourage people to stop visiting captive facilities wherever now you're always going to get the people who even if they've read thebooks The Selfish ones who don't care as long as they get their fun um but those people they will abuse any animal and any human that they can as long as it suits them so you but the other people are an advanced majority of people just don't know and that's what we hoped we hoped really to get the message out and close captive facilities globally education education that that is the word um and as I said I mean I know you're giving us very kindly given us this interview but I will give an interviewto anybody um from the states or from anywhere around the world freely to to to push this home it's it's not about selling books it's about selling the truth um and and this is what it this is what it boils down to that that's the bottom end of it yeah I'm I'm with you I am with you a thousand percent and I hope that this will help bring some more attention to this world and this dark the dark underbelly of the dolphinarium world and hopefully bring more exposure for the truth so we'll just keep we'll just keeppushing this and how have your lives personally unfolded since since you left the doll uh the dolphin entertainment World David and then also after writing these books how have your lives been affected have they at all since you're basically whistleblowers yeah well um our lives have been affected because the the books the the first book was written about 14 years ago not for a short 14 years now uh the perfect pair of the enchanted mirror that was the first book in the trilogy and we have been fighting ever since with activistsfirst of all and that's the crazy thing activists trying to shut you up because they don't like you to come on the scene and and shall we say challenge there expert status uh and it's a sad State of Affairs because when when I was working for the aqua circuses the joke was and I say this the joke was don't bother about the animal activists they will always fall out and tear each other to pieces and that's why they don't get anywhere that was said 57 years ago and it's still happeningtoday yeah not much and that's why nothing changes I've heard that from other um activists you know like you know animal advocacy advocacy people um from different areas land animal ocean animals it doesn't really matter but that there is this infighting which is really just muddying the waters and not doing a service to the animals and and shoe conservation at all whatsoever people need to take their ego and put it aside and give it the vaccine and give their higher self the front seat and ride shotgun with that and say they'releading with your heart you're doing things with the immoral compass and not the ego and not for your own self-serving purposes and needs so I can imagine how challenging this must be for you oh it's been as I say anybody with an apis of sense would have given this up a long time ago but but basically both Tracy and I are like a dog with a bone we will not allow them to to shut us up and I can back anything I have said to you today up with proof and this is the reason why our books were so shall we say blocked in this countrywhen this story first came out it is easy now I've got to say that uh we we are having people coming on that were one time shall we say enemies or they were viewed as enemies who have now changing the tune maybe it's because they're seeing the planetary change that we're all in a mess I don't know but they are changing the search tune or maybe it's the old guard that that started this fight have moved on to other exploitation uh uh uh behaviors I don't I don't know but but of course when we got into thethe the actual Museum when the museum took us that was a huge huge uh boost for us because all the calling all the the finger wagon and all the rest of it stopped right because it was proven the story was fact checked and proven and we actually got the press in the Yorkshire press um who came on and they were fabulous they they suddenly exposed the secret pool they wanted to talk to me now this is something that the Press wouldn't touch we were actually told uh by somebody who worked in the press that there was a a UK an unofficial UK mediaBloc on the story they were told they couldn't cover anything this appears to be changing um wonderful you know so but just have to see how it goes that's great it sounds like the maybe the the worm is turning as they say and we're headed in in the right direction so I think that's fabulous I have no doubt that it's just going to get the the wind in your sails will be behind you and pushing this story forward and I'm I will be with you all the way cheering you on yeah well it's your it's this it's interviews likethis Erica like you're giving us now that will help to put the wind in our sails yeah yeah well we're we're here all about animals radio is behind you and we're happy to to be a part of this so um for as grateful as you are we are equally as grateful and we will always continue to do good work by this with uh together with people like you so um thank you and so I wanted to ask you in your minds how can we all be better balanced with nature and thought of Life what are your thoughts on that well for for starters people have we'vejust got to stop poisoning the oceans now I I know that everybody I mean everybody knows this anyway because it again as David said the mess the planet is in now it's being repeatedly repeatedly pushed on on television but you've got to respect the oceans I don't know if you remember a few years back there was um um an incident where a baby dolphin was taken from the sea and passed around all the people on the beach while they had selfies taken with it poor little thing died now what is I mean these people you you think why whycan't they see what what they're doing um you've got to stop interfering with with marine life you've got to stop posting um the oceans with your chemicals and your your drug companies your farming your agriculture which is Pope but you know it's poisoning everything it's not just poisoning them it's poisoning us yes um I mean so many I mean cancers springing up everywhere I mean cancers that were deemed to be very rare a springing up everywhere and and it's just a toxic a toxic World we're livingin I think with especially with children they always say the sins of the fathers have visited upon the children don't they yeah and look what look what a legacy we're leaving to our children now well I think that as someone who has two two children two boys 14 and 15 and I them and I look at their friends and I'm so impressed and grateful for them today because I do feel like these are the you know the star seeds coming to this planet to um to change things and as you say you do see that there are changes happeningand I see it also as well every single day and so I do want to put a positive spin with with all of this said because it's important to educate everybody and it is important to remind people to tap into their empathy and do the right thing and at the same time we should also you know kind of have hope and let there be positive um positive energy towards that because without that then what else do we have and so there the world is changing it's certainly not changing fast enough but I agree with everything that yousaid you know we all have to be responsible stewards of this planet and um it starts with each of us individually and so the collective can you know do better and so they'll work and better and do you see the dolphinarium industry changing if more people start to do the right thing oh most certainly the the industry runs on money so no money means no ticket no ticket means no shows it is quite simple it really is it it that is how simple it is these people these congloms that run these shows it's not about dolphin welfareit's not about education it's about money plain and simple it's about money so if we don't feed yeah yeah if we don't feed the fire the fire will die right and and this is what we've we've got to do we've got to try and cut this I mean let me say this many people today won't go to a circus in other words to see performing Tigers performing lions and elephants they won't do that it but I keep referring to the dolphin industry as the aqua circus yeah so if they won'tgo to see a land circus why are they paying to see an aqua circus because it's exactly the same thing it's abuse it is it's it's abuse and it's enslavement these these creatures are enslaved to do this work and are abused along the way until they until they just perish so I I absolutely agree um for everyone listening spread the word uh pass along the show and reminds everyone that we must starve Industries like this so that they just go away and let the light prevail and um in order to support your work whichobviously aims to end this Dark World of the dolphin entertainment industry for good what is the best way for folks to purchase your book series and would you also uh David and Tracy tell us the names of the three books that make up this beautiful trilogy okay right well we've got the um this is the first book if I can if you can your people can see it so and not everybody will watch and some will be listening on the ah okay but for them and see it you absolutely hold it up so Focus okay well well this is thisis the perfect pair the enchanted mirror and that's the book one that's book one okay this is the perfect pair the mirror cracks Perfect Two that's book two um this is the perfect pair shards from the mirror that is book three this is the Heartbreak book believe me uh it really is it was for us anyway I actually the the actual subtitle is dolphinariums don't just break Dolphins they break people too yeah and that's exactly what this industry did to me I've got a lot to make up for and I'm hoping that people like yourselfand all the people out there who are listening to this podcast will help us because we don't we don't accept donations I totally refuse all donations and we are offered them constantly uh because we are not a charity so all I'm asking those people to do if they want a very good story and they want to get this out then go to Kindle Amazon Kindle because it would cost too much to uh to to post the actual physical book if you're outside the UK um but go to Amazon Kindle it's cheap it's affordable and the more people buyand read it the more that message will get out and if he gets out you never know it could go to film and if it goes to film I guarantee it will mortally wound the captive industry absolutely and that's that's the point we want the arrow straight through the heart of this industry we want it to be done and we wanted to perish and that's right we've been doing for all this time to these beautiful amazing creatures and so I thank you for all of your good work and I thank you for your time today I'm grateful to you both forwriting this important book series and for coming on to discuss it and the pool dolphin entertainment world this has been quite revealing and enlightening uh time that I've spent with you both and I'm certain that the people listening will want to help make a difference and if we all continue using our individual and Collective voice to end the suffering of animals then the new Earth will continue expanding in love and light for the greater good of us all and so to that I say to our beloved audience we aregrateful to you for tuning in today and to part one as well and until next time thank you Tracy and David you both have a you know standing invitation here and probably on any show on all about animals radio I thank you so much and until next time I'll keep envisioning a world where we are all at peace and happiness and free from suffering and that's for all of us Amen to that thank you thank you thank you so much and we'll see you next time bye okay thank you bye-bye bye-bye bye-bye everyone bye-byethis has been alvamini for the rising special thank you to Chris Corley for generously lending us his song zero gravity for the rising lioness podcast theme please take a moment to write a review for our show as it helps others to find us please also support our guests and their work all about animals radio and our social networks doing this further supports the animals and their Advocates too thereby making you an animal kingdom Warrior also you can find our links on the rising lioness podcast page until next time in the words of Sharon Nunezanimal equality president remember this the small actions of one passionate an individual can create a butterfly effect leading to a movement that has the power to change the world please use your voice for the animals today [Music]

== See also ==
== See also ==
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Revision as of 20:14, 19 September 2023

The Rising Lioness

Join the pride: inspiring conversations on The Rising Lioness
Dark Secrets from inside the Dolphin Entertainment Industry Part 1
Dark Secrets from inside the Dolphin Entertainment Industry

Former UK Dolphin Trainer Turned Whistleblower Exposes Dark Secrets of Dolphin Entertainment Industry

In an exclusive two-part episode of "The Rising Lioness" podcast, renowned ex-dolphin trainer David Holroyd shares his shocking journey from fame and fortune to becoming a whistleblower in the UK's dolphin entertainment industry. David and Tracey, co-authors of "The Perfect Pair Dolphin Trilogy," reveal the grim reality behind the scenes of a profit-driven industry, shedding light on the exploitation of dolphins and cetaceans.

Holroyd, once Europe's top dolphin trainer, exposes the cruelty and mistreatment of these creatures as mere commodities. "The Perfect Pair Dolphin Trilogy" offers a unique perspective by narrating the story through the eyes of these remarkable animals, aiming to raise awareness and advocate against animal exploitation and cruelty.


Part 1: Apple | Amazon | Google | Spotify

Part 2: Apple | Amazon | Google | Spotify


Part 1

Part 2

See also

External links